IFSC Code - Search And Find IFSC Codes Of All Indian Banks
Find the IFSC codes for 195 Top Banks of India
Search for IFSC Code and Branch Address of all bank branches in India. Find verified IFSC codes quickly to use for NEFT, RTGS, IMPS and other online banking transactions.
An IFSC Code (Indian Financial System Code) is an 11-character alphanumeric code used to uniquely identify each bank branch in India. It is essential for making secure, reliable bank transfers through NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS in the Indian banking system. Every bank branch has its own unique IFSC Code, allowing accurate identification of where funds should be transferred. Whether you're paying for something online, transferring funds to a family member, or handling business payments, knowing the right IFSC Code is crucial.
How to Use the IFSC Code Finder Tool
Using this IFSC Code Finder tool is easy and straightforward:
- Enter the Bank Name: Start by typing the bank’s name.
- Select the Branch: Narrow down to a specific branch by choosing the city or district.
- Find the IFSC Code: Get the accurate IFSC Code along with details like the branch’s address, contact number, and MICR Code if available.
This tool is designed to provide you with quick, precise, and updated IFSC Codes for all banks and branches across India.
What is IFSC and How Does It Work?
The IFSC Code format is "AAAA0BBBBBB" where:
- The first four characters represent the bank code.
- The fifth character is always 0 and reserved for future use.
- The last six characters denote the branch code.
IFSC Codes are essential for safe and seamless transactions, preventing errors in fund transfers and ensuring the funds reach the correct bank branch.
Benefits of Using Our IFSC Code Finder Tool
Our IFSC Code Finder is:
- Fast: Find IFSC Codes for any bank branch in seconds.
- Comprehensive: Covers all branches of major and regional banks in India.
- Accurate: Our database is regularly updated for reliability.
- Easy to Use: A simple, user-friendly interface allows for efficient searching.
Whether you're searching for IFSC Codes for State Bank of India (SBI), HDFC, ICICI, Punjab National Bank (PNB), or any other major Indian bank, this tool offers the information you need.
Find IFSC Codes for Major Indian Banks
You can find IFSC Codes for all prominent banks in India. Here are some popular searches:
- SBI IFSC Code Finder
- ICICI Bank IFSC Code
- HDFC Bank Branch Code
- Axis Bank IFSC Search
- PNB Bank Branch IFSC Lookup
We also cover regional rural banks and cooperative banks, ensuring that users across the country can access their branch codes.
Search Options and Filters
Our tool allows you to search by:
- Bank Name
- Branch
- Location (State, District, or City)
Simply enter the details you have, and our tool will filter results to show the most relevant IFSC Codes.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on IFSC Codes
1. How do I find my bank's IFSC Code?
You can find it on your bank passbook, cheque book, or by using our IFSC Code Finder tool above.
2. What if I enter the wrong IFSC Code?
Entering the wrong IFSC Code can delay transactions. It’s crucial to verify the IFSC Code of the recipient’s bank before initiating a transfer.
3. Are IFSC Codes unique to each branch?
Yes, each branch of a bank has a unique IFSC Code.
4. Can I find IFSC Codes for rural bank branches?
Yes, our tool includes IFSC Codes for branches across rural, urban, and metropolitan areas in India.
5. What’s the difference between IFSC and MICR Codes?
While IFSC Codes are for identifying bank branches in electronic transactions, MICR Codes are used in cheques for faster processing.
MICR Code and Swift Code Information
MICR Code: Used for processing cheques faster and is printed on the cheque itself.
Swift Code: International equivalent of IFSC Code, used for overseas transactions. Each bank has a unique Swift Code, enabling global transactions with accuracy.
Security Tips for Using IFSC Codes Online
To ensure safe online banking:
- Only use trusted tools like this IFSC Code Finder.
- Verify IFSC Codes from official bank websites if unsure.
- Be cautious of phishing scams; banks never ask for your personal details over email or SMS.
About the IFSC Code Finder Service
Our IFSC Code Finder tool is designed for quick, accurate, and easy access to bank branch codes across India. Our data is verified and regularly updated, ensuring reliability for all users.
Accurate IFSC Codes are essential for hassle-free bank transfers. Bookmark this page and rely on our tool whenever you need to look up an IFSC Code. For any other bank branch locator needs, MICR Codes, or Swift Code searches, explore our additional tools for your convenience.
Please Check Bank Merger List If This Bank Merged To Any Other Bank, Use IFS Code Accordingly.